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JSC "FIN-Stroymaterial" leased 3,300 sq.m in the warehouse complex "Lakhtinsky Terminal"

The company-seller of wood-board materials "FIN-Stroymaterial" rented a warehouse with an area of 3300 sq. m and an open area of 1,000 sq. m in the IC "Lakhtinsky Terminal" in the Primorsky district. IPG.Estate acted as a broker of the transaction.

GC FINSTROY, which includes JSC "FIN-Stroymaterial", is the largest Russian organization for the sale of wood-board materials. The company operates in the Central, North-Western, Volga, Southern, Ural and Siberian Federal Districts, operating more than 20 thousand square meters of warehouse space.

The warehouse complex "Lakhtinsky Terminal" of class " B " is located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg at the address: 3-Ya Konnaya Lakhta str., 48. An 8-minute drive from the warehouse is the exit to the ring road, 5-Primorsky highway. The warehouse complex has been developing since 2010. Now the warehouse space of the complex occupies more than 8,000 sq. m.

The client has been searching for warehouse space in the north of St. Petersburg for a long time. An important search criterion was the warehouse area of at least 3-3. 5 thousand square meters, as well as the presence of an entrance from level "0" and additional space for further development.

Kirill Vecher, Senior Consultant of the IPG.Estate Warehouse and Industrial Real Estate Department, the broker of the transaction, notes that the search for a suitable premises lasted more than a year. In 2021, a block suitable for the requirements of our client was released in the IC "Lakhtinsky Terminal".

"The volume of free space in high-quality warehouse complexes in the north of the city tends to zero. It is also not worth expecting a new large-scale increase this year – only two large speculative objects in the north are being prepared for commissioning – the Armada-Park Sever warehouse complex, which will be put into operation in September, but this object is already almost filled with tenants, and the Octavian IC, which has also already been contracted, comments Philip Chaika, head of the IPG.Estate warehouse and industrial real estate department. - The lease agreement between the companies "FIN-Stroymaterial" and "Lakhtinsky Terminal" clearly reflects the current state of the market: the released liquid areas are exposed in a very short time. Success in such transactions largely depends on the competence of the broker and his relationship with the owner of the object."

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